terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2013


"For even if one were willing to permit you to make that inference and by means of it to assume a separate being as the cause of that moral world-order, what have you then actually assumed? This being is supposed to be distinct from you and the world. It is supposed to be active in the world by means of concepts. Consequently, it is supposed to be able to have concepts, to possess personality and consciousness. What, then, do you denote as personality and consciousness? Perhaps what you have found within yourselves, have gotten to know about yourselves, and have labeled with these names? However, the least attention to your construction of these concepts can teach you that you simply do not and cannot think of personality and consciousness without limitation and finitude. Consequently, by attributing these predicates to this being you make it into something finite, into a being similar to yourselves; and you have not thought of God, as you wished, but rather you have only multiplied yourselves in your thinking. You can just as scarcely explain this moral world-order by appealing to this being as you can explaining it by appealing to yourselves. It remains, as before, unexplained and absolute; and in using such words you have in fact not been thinking at all but rather have merely vibrated the air with an empty sound. You could have easily foreseen that you would fare this way. You are finite. How could that which is finite encompass and comprehend the infinite?"

J. G. Fichte, On the Ground of Our Belief in a Divine World-Governance, 1798

2 comentários:

  1. Are we (only) finite?

  2. http://pensamentosdesblogueados.blogspot.be/2013/01/nocoes-panteistas-ii.html


