Half of the solution to stopping climate change is simply saving the power we use. Yes, sure, we need to replace dirty energy with the green stuff (wind, solar, etc.)... But we also need to get rid of technologies and practices which waste power. That's why I'm writing you about Greenpeace's international energy efficiency campaign. This campaign is about people like us helping to outlaw products that waste energy. Every week, for seven weeks, Greenpeace sends out an email with instructions how to campaign effectively for energy efficiency.
Every ton of carbon dioxide pumped into the atmosphere, every coal burning power plant built and every energy wasting lightbulb installed makes it harder for us to stop climate change. Each one is one more thing we'll need to undo. Better to get it right the first time.
Let's start an energy revolution!
I hope you'll join me today: Click in the post title to join.
tu tas la! :-)